I/UCRC, which stands for Industry University Cooperative Research Center, is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded consortium of companies and universities working together on industry-relevant research in an emerging field.
ROSE-HUB is a multi-university NSF I/UCRC focused on applied robotics and sensing research in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, energy, transportation manufacturing, material handling, homeland security, and emergency preparedness and response. University partners include: University of Minnesota (Lead University), University of Pennsylvania, University of Denver, UNC Charlotte, and the newest member Purdue University. This is the only NSF I/UCRC focused on robotic and sensing technology for human safety and security. It replaces the NSF I/UCRC SSR-RC. Click here to view the ROSE-HUB poster.
SITE MISSION: The UNC Charlotte ROSE-HUB site mission is to conduct member-oriented, multidisciplinary research on computation-driven robotic and sensor systems augmented by data analysis, to improve the safety, capability and well-being of humans as workers, patients, and customers.
SITE FOCUS: Research projects at UNC Charlotte are member-driven, focussed on solving industry challenges and accelerating technology innovations of bold industry initiatives related to safety, security and rescue of humans in health care, manufacturing and material handling.
SITE DIRECTOR: Dr. Jing Xiao, IEEE Fellow, Professor of Computer Science, xiao@uncc.edu, 704-687-8587.
MEMBERSHIP: Annual full membership fee is at least $35,000 (minimum), and Affiliate membership fee is at least $10,000. We recommend a fee contribution at the level of $50,000 or above for effectively funding research projects most relevant to the member’s interest. Members can be from industry, government, and also non-profit organizations. We aim to create a healthy ecosystem of member companies to best leverage the center/site’s research expertise and maximize benefit to each member as a value multiplier:
- Leverage member R&D budgets through substantial return of investment (ROI) in new technologies of common interests. Membership fees are to fund faculty research projects driven by members and subject to only 10% overhead.
Expand member R&D Efforts by gaining access to royalty-free licenses for technology developed at all I/UCRC ROSE-HUB university sites.
- Expand member industry growth by strategic cooperation with other member industries working with related technologies to accelerate commercialization.
- Access to an experienced talent pool of students at all levels, including Ph.D. graduates, to hire, who are trained and already exposed to member organizations, needs and culture.
CURRENT MEMBERS: Each site of the multi-university center has its own consortium of member companies. The UNC Charlotte site currently has the following full members: Electric Power Research Institute, SSI Schaefer, Carolinas Healthcare System , the Daniel Group, SSI SCHAFER, Curacloud and Clever-M. The UNC Charlotte site currently has the following affiliated member: ABB

CONTACT: Kathleen Elkins, Business Development Director, kelkins@uncc.edu, 704-995-7558.
News: Dr. Jinglin Li has won the 2016 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award, whose research was supported by our ROSE-HUB site.
News: Dr. Jing Xiao has recently been featured in an article about robots dealing with danger and uncertainty in “International Innovation”, please click the image below to read the full article.